Dolphin Cruise
Hello : ) around spring break I collected a lot of experiences … It was just to much to put them all in one post, so here is the second post.
Hello : ) around spring break I collected a lot of experiences … It was just to much to put them all in one post, so here is the second post.
Hello : ) Welcome to my new post about F L O R I D A. I had the pleasure to spent my spring break in this amazing sunshine state. We had six days in the sun and I enjoyed the break of school with riding the bike or sitting at the beach.
Hello : ) Today I have some impressions from a few weekends ago. For this time of the year, it is really warm here, so we finally can go out.
Hey : ) I am back with a new post. A few weeks ago I went together with a friend to the Nature Center. We took a few pictures I want to show you today.